Monday, June 25, 2012

Word Press Ad Manager Plug In

This is by far the coolest wordpress ad manager I have found.

It has all the function a wordpress site owner could ask for including complete automation with a payment gateway.

For more details check out the Ad Manager post on my blog.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Interesting coversation bewteen David Letterman and Alec Baldwin

I hapenned to see this on twitter.  This is a 45 minute interview by Alec Baldwin of David Letterman.  David discusses his journey from starting out as a teenager to becoming the host of the late show.

Flaherty makes changes to mortgage rules in 2012

Some of the mortgage rules in Canada have changed.  Flaherty made an announcement a few days ago.  In an article from it indicates the following changes:

Maximum  amortization term now 25 years from 30 years.
Home owners can borrow a maximum of 80 % of their house value, formerly 85%.

This seems to be a good idea as it forces people into making better financial decisions when purchasing a hours or borrowing on equity.

First Mortgage Canada

Free Blogging Sites

I have a made a list of free blogging sites.  Get started writing a blog in less than a minute with any of these blogging sites.